Monday, March 26, 2012

ADUC: Additional account info in Active Directory Users and Computers

Hi guys,
for getting additional account info in ADUC following the following steps:

Downloading the files:

Create a shortcut for ADUC runs in 32bit context:

Save the files to the same location.

For 32bit using the following cmd

@echo off

echo This program will register the Acctinfo tab Add-on to AD Users and Computers and integrate the lockoutstatus.exe hf TIM

xcopy lockoutstatus.exe "%systemroot%\system32\" /e /y > nul:
xcopy acctinfo.dll "%systemroot%\system32\" /e /y > nul:
regsvr32 "%systemroot%\system32\acctinfo.dll" /s


For 64bit using this

@echo off

echo This program will register the Acctinfo tab Add-on to AD Users and Computers and integrate the lockoutstatus.exe hf TIM

xcopy dsa32.lnk "%systemdrive%\Users\%username%\desktop\" > nul:
xcopy lockoutstatus.exe "%systemroot%\syswow64\"/e /y > nul:
xcopy acctinfo.dll "%systemroot%\syswow64\" /e /y > nul:
regsvr32 "%systemroot%\syswow64\acctinfo.dll" /s


After you run the cmd restart ADUC and it will give you a new tab: