Thursday, February 15, 2018

Characters to escape in Active Directory in distinguishedName and canonicalName

In this post I want to show you which characters have to be escaped in AD in distinguishedName and canonicalName Attribute.


Some characters in Active Directory have to be escaped with the backslash "\" character, if they appear in components of a distinguished name.

Characters that aren´t allowed in distinguished names:

# + < > ; , \ " = and SPACE

The space character must be escaped only if it is the leading or trailing character in any component of a distinguished name. The commas that separate components in a distinguished name are not escaped. The following table shows example relative distinguished names as they would appear


Distinguished Name
Petun, Arnold J.
cn=Petun\, Arnold J.,ou=Sales,dc=Domain,dc=com
IT"Ext + Lab
cn=IT\"Ext \+ Lab,ou=IT,dc=Domain,dc=com
 Tim Black
cn=\ Tim Black \ ,ou=HR,dc=Domain,dc=com


In other AD attributes, like Name, Description, givenName, or even cn thos characters wouldn´t be escaped!

Find attached some characters that are allowed in distinguished names:

| @ $ % ^ ? : { } ! ' * ( ) . ` ~ & - _ [ ]



The escaping in canonicalName attribute  is different. The canonicalName is a constructed attribute, so you can´t modify this attribute. In this attribute slash and backslash characters are escaped using the backslash escape character.

/ \

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