Sunday, October 29, 2017

Tools for parsing AD FS logs (admin events, audits, and debug logs)

This module provides tools for gathering related ADFS events from the security, admin, and debug logs, across multiple servers. This tool also allows the user to reconstruct the HTTP request/response headers from the logs.
You can download it on github:

Friday, October 13, 2017

Claims X-Ray: Debug and troubleshoot problems with claims issuance

Claims X-Ray is an online service that can be used to debug and troubleshoot problems with claims issuance. It will interact with your AD FS deployment and help you issue the claims that you need for your applications. 

Choose between different authentication methods and request types, and we will show you all of the claims returned by your federation service. You can use this to fully cutomize your policies to get the claims you need.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Powershell Set AD Users password to expire and set password last set to current date

Hi guys,

the script I uploaded to technet set pwdlastset, remove pw never expire and can not change pw for all users that are located in the defined OU.
It could be used if you want to implement password expiration for your User Accounts.
