Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Powershell: User Accounts With Kerberos Pre-Authentication Disabled
Use the following Powershell command:
Get-ADUser -Filter 'useraccountcontrol -band 4194304' -Properties useraccountcontrol | Out-GridView
Active Directory,
Get a list of ALL the GP names and GUIDS
Just change: DC=yourdomin,DC=com to your domain name.
Dsquery * "CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=yourdomin,DC=com" -filter (objectClass=groupPolicyContainer) -attr Name DisplayName
Dsquery * "CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=yourdomin,DC=com" -filter (objectClass=groupPolicyContainer) -attr Name DisplayName
Active Directory,
Group Policy
Friday, December 2, 2016
Powershell Get Windows 2003 or earlier Computer Objects Found in Active Directory
Use the
following Powershell syntax to determine the affected computers in your domain:
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property Name,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack| Where-Object{($_.operatingsystem -like "*XP*") -or ($_.operatingsystem -like "*2000*") -or ($_.operatingsystem -like "*2003*") -or ($_.operatingsystemversion -like "*4.0*")}| Out-GridView
The output will be shown in a grid view.
Active Directory,
Friday, November 25, 2016
Powershell Script: Set an extensionAttribute for multiple AD Users
With the attached script you can set extensionAttribute4 for multiple AD Users using a csv file. You can do this for other Attributes as well. :)
# Set extensionAttribute4 for specified AD Users
# Create a CSV file that looks like this:
# File path: c:\admin\UsersExt4.csv
# samAccountName,extensionAttribute4
# username.1,Test12345
# username.2,Test12345
# Scripty by Tim Buntrock
# import ad module
Import-module ActiveDirectory
# import users from csv and set extensionAttribute4
Import-Csv C:\admin\UsersExt4.csv | ForEach-Object {Set-ADUser $_.samAccountName -Replace @{extensionAttribute4=$_.extensionAttribute4} }
# Set extensionAttribute4 for specified AD Users
# Create a CSV file that looks like this:
# File path: c:\admin\UsersExt4.csv
# samAccountName,extensionAttribute4
# username.1,Test12345
# username.2,Test12345
# Scripty by Tim Buntrock
# import ad module
Import-module ActiveDirectory
# import users from csv and set extensionAttribute4
Import-Csv C:\admin\UsersExt4.csv | ForEach-Object {Set-ADUser $_.samAccountName -Replace @{extensionAttribute4=$_.extensionAttribute4} }
Active Directory,
User Accounts
Monday, November 7, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016
ADUC: Delegate permissions to move Computer accounts between OUs
In ADUC, right-click OU 1 and select "Delegate Control".
Type in a user or group name and click "Next"
Select the "Create a custom task to delegate" option and click "Next".
Select "Only the following objects in the folder", browse to "Computer objects" in the list and check the box. Also check the boxes for "Create selected objects in this folder" and "Delete selected objects in this folder" and click "Next".
Check the box for "Write", click "Next" and "Finish".
Just do the same steps on OU 2.
Type in a user or group name and click "Next"
Select the "Create a custom task to delegate" option and click "Next".
Select "Only the following objects in the folder", browse to "Computer objects" in the list and check the box. Also check the boxes for "Create selected objects in this folder" and "Delete selected objects in this folder" and click "Next".
Check the box for "Write", click "Next" and "Finish".
Just do the same steps on OU 2.
Active Directory
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Verify you Windows Server Backups with notification
If you scheduled a Windows Server Backup, you can check for Errors and send an email if a Error happened.
To do this just schedule to run the following script after your backup job:
# Check EventLog for Error created by Windows Backup
If (Get-EventLog -LogName Application -EntryType Error -Source Microsoft-Windows-Backup -After (Get-Date).AddHours(-24))
#Set E-mail variables.
$EmailFrom = "server@yourdomain.com"
$EmailTo = "Tim.Buntrock@yourdomain.com"
$Subject = "$env:COMPUTERNAME - Windows Backup failed"
$Body = "$env:COMPUTERNAME - Windows Backup failed. Please logon to the server and verify your backup task!"
$SMTPServer = "smtp01.yourdomain.com"
#Send message
Send-MailMessage -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Priority High -To $EmailTo -From $EmailFrom
Thats it. :)
To do this just schedule to run the following script after your backup job:
# Check EventLog for Error created by Windows Backup
If (Get-EventLog -LogName Application -EntryType Error -Source Microsoft-Windows-Backup -After (Get-Date).AddHours(-24))
#Set E-mail variables.
$EmailFrom = "server@yourdomain.com"
$EmailTo = "Tim.Buntrock@yourdomain.com"
$Subject = "$env:COMPUTERNAME - Windows Backup failed"
$Body = "$env:COMPUTERNAME - Windows Backup failed. Please logon to the server and verify your backup task!"
$SMTPServer = "smtp01.yourdomain.com"
#Send message
Send-MailMessage -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Priority High -To $EmailTo -From $EmailFrom
Thats it. :)
AD Powershell Oneliner - Get PSO Settings
Just type in the following:
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy PSOName
Replace PSOName with the name of your PSO object.
You can add >c:\admin\PSOSettings.txt to export the settings to a text file.
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy PSOName >c:\admin\PSOSettings.txt
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy PSOName
Replace PSOName with the name of your PSO object.
You can add >c:\admin\PSOSettings.txt to export the settings to a text file.
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy PSOName >c:\admin\PSOSettings.txt
Active Directory,
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
DCDIAG MachinAccount test Warning: Attribute userAccountControl of DC is: 0x82020
You are running a DCDiag and its shown a warning by performing the MachineAccount test.
If you are
pre-stage a Computer account in ADUC and you promote it later, the userAccountControl is set to 532512 instead of the 532480.
To fix this Bug,
open ADSI edit, connect to default naming context and browse to the DC that is
affected. Open Properties and go to userAccountControl and click on Edit.
You need to
manually set the vaulue to 532480.
that its set to the standard DC value!
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