Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Windows: Can´t minimize Windows 7 RDP window

To solve this problem, do the following steps:

Go to "System Properties/Advanced", "Performance" and click on "Settings".
On "Visual Effects", select "Custom:" and deselect "Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing".


AD: Map a printer via Group Policy Preferences (GPP)

find attatched a short manual for Mapping a printer via GPP.

-Create a printer object on print server i.e. P_X555
-Create a local group "lg-prt-P_X555 Users" and give them Print acces on the printer object on the server.
-Create a global group "gg-prt-Map P_X555" and nist "lg-prt-P_X555 Users" in it.
-Create a GPO for printers i.e. "ALL Printers Location1"
    -Delete Authenticated Users from GPO scope and add "lg-prt-P_X555 Users"
-Go to the server, right-click the printer P_X555, select "Deploy with Group Policy..." and browse to the created GPO "ALL Printers Location1"

Finally add users to "gg-prt-Map P_X555" and the printer will be mapped.

NOTE: For XP you must download the pushprinterconnection.exe and built a policy that points to the exe. Then add the local group to the scope of the policy. Download and install or push via WSUS the following KB to using GPP with XP http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=3628 . For Vista: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=15198

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Windows: Rename a computer locally and remotely

You can rename a Computer by logging on to the computer or via your admin workstation remotely.

1. Open System Properties from Control Panel.
2. In the Computer Name, Domain, And Workgroup Settings section, click "Change
3. If you are prompted by User Account Control, click "Continue".
4. On the "Computer Name" tab, click "Change".
5. Type the new name and click "OK" twice to close the dialog boxes.
6. Restart the computer to allow the change to take effect.

In Command Prompt, you can use the NetDom command with the following syntax:
netdom renamecomputer machinename /newname:newname  /reboot:30


C:\>netdom renamecomputer PC00100 /NewName:PC00010
This operation will rename the computer PC00100
to PC00010.

Certain services, such as the Certificate Authority, rely on a fixed machine
name. If any services of this type are running on PC00100,
then a computer name change would have an adverse impact.

Do you want to proceed (Y or N)?
The computer needs to be restarted in order to complete the operation.

The command completed successfully.